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Nereus - Space related training

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Master of Science (MSc) in Aerospace Engineering

Course Details

Objectives : Since it appeared the aerospace sector has played a pioneering role and acted as a motor in the development of new technologies, whether it be a case of improving existing materials or developing new ones, designing suitable methods of constructing high resistance light structures, optimizing the structures and the means of propulsion or of orientating the development of electronic, computer and telecommunication systems.

Aeronautics and aerospace are fields par excellence in which performance is an obligation: maximum quality, reliability and safety are imperatives which come before that of cost. Several percentage points of weight saved at large cost can sometimes increase tenfold a project's return, and even sometimes determine its viability.

To achieve such objectives, computer aided design and fabrication methods are today used in a systematic manner.

Concerned public : Etudiants

Duration and terms : 2 ans

Dedicated web site : https://www.programmes.uliege.be/cocoon/20232024/en/formations/bref/A2UAEL01.html

Space or Aerospace Domains

Space related thematics