Master in Control Systems Engineering
- Organisation : UCM Madrid
- Way of training : Initial education - Distance learning
- Language(s): Spanish
- Prepared diploma/grade/title: Mastère (establishment diploma)
- Location: Madrid (Espagne)
- University entry level (number of years after undergraduate degree): 3
(3 4 means, for example, 3 or 4 years after Baccalaureat for France)
Course Details
Objectives : L'objectif fondamental de ces études de Master est la formation de spécialistes dans les domaines du contrôle et de l'ingénierie des systèmes, capables de prendre en charge la conception, la mise en œuvre, l'exploitation et la maintenance de systèmes automatiques de supervision, de contrôle, de manutention et de gestion de processus productifs en lesquelles comportement dynamique performant, économie d'énergie, réduction de la pollution ou efficacité et sécurité sont requis.
Concerned public : Etudiants
Duration and terms : 2 semestres
Partnerships with national organisation : (en collaboration avec l'UNED) :Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Dedicated web site :
Space or Aerospace Domains
- Conception, R&D, Exploration
Space related thematics
- 2 - Dynamics and Kinematics: Reference Systems, Flight Mechanics, Trajectography, Space Dynamics, Perturbations, Orbit Restitution, Attitude and Orbit Control, Rendezvous, Formation Flying, Constellations, Interplanetary Trajectories, etc.
- 17 - Programme and Production Management: Project Management, Lean, Industrialization, Life Cycle, Ecodesign, Supply Chain, Assembly Line, Digital Transformation, Factory of the Future, Integration, Maintenance, Recycling, etc.
- 18 - Aerospace Systems Infrastructure and Operations: Airport Platforms, Launch Bases, Control and Mission Centers, Air and Space Traffic Management, In-Orbit Services, Operations, Planning, Man-Machine Interfaces, Human Factors, etc.
- 21 - Resource and Risk Management: Protection of Natural Resources and Environment, Land Use Planning, Biodiversity, Risks, Safety of Property and People, Space Surveillance and Situational Awareness, etc.