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Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy PhD

Course Details

Objectives : Engineering surveying and space geodesy is the application of science and technology for the measurement and the representation of the Earth.
This PhD is based within the Nottingham Geospatial Institute (NGI).

NGI is a leading cross-disciplinary research and teaching institute, specialising in spatial and location-based science and engineering, using the technologies of satellite positioning, remote measurement systems and integrated sensor technologies.

Research areas
Research can cover a range of disciplines including:

geospatial engineering and monitoring
photogrammetry and remote sensing
the technology and applications of satellite navigation systems such as GPS and Galileo
integrated positioning technology
environmental and atmospheric monitoring
physical and space geodesy

Concerned public : Students

Duration and terms : 3 years

Dedicated web site : https://www.prospects.ac.uk/universities/university-of-nottingham-3928/department-of-architecture-and-the-built-environment-12493/courses/engineering-surveying-and-space-geodesy-39680

Space or Aerospace Domains

Space related thematics