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Nereus - Space related training

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Master of Sciences Spatial Planning

Course Details

Objectives : Spatial Planning is the field of study addressed to all who: want to understand the technical, social, economic and legal aspects of the process of spatial management policy at the local (municipal), regional, national level, and on a European and global scale. It is dedicated for who are interested in acquiring knowledge and practical skills related to urban design, environmental impact assessment, ecophysiographic studies, activities related to landscape revitalisation and protection, and real estate management. Students of Spatial Planning learn about modern tools and instruments as well as software supporting analysis and design processes, i.e. CAD, GIS, BIM and are interested in acquiring the necessary knowledge to comprehensively look at the complex issue of rational spatial management, and acquiring practical skills highly valued on the labour market.

Spatial Planning – the Second Cycle :
2 specialitzations in full-time and part-time studies:
Urban Design in Spatial Planning
Environmental Conditions in Spatial Planning

Concerned public : Students

Duration and terms : 4 semesters

Notes : Spatial Planning Planning – the First Cycle (Bachelor)
2 specialitzations in full-time and part-time studies:
- Urban Design in Spatial Planning
- Environmental Conditions in Spatial Planning

Dedicated web site : https://www.gik.pw.edu.pl/gik_en/Studies

Space or Aerospace Domains

Space related thematics