Objectives : The Automotive Engineering programme consists of a single curriculum for the BSc degree and a curriculum for the MSc degree in three orientations: Development of propulsion systems, Motor vehicle system development, and Industrial processes management.
The programme is organised into six semesters, each consisting of an average of 30 CFU (university academic credits); one CFU represents approximately 25 hours of study including 11-12 hours of frontal teaching and 20 hours of individual study.
The teaching modules can be grouped in the following six types:
1. Scientific and methodological foundations (mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, computer science, etc.)
2. Fundamentals of industrial engineering
3. Topics specific to automotive engineering
4. Topics related to management
5. General knowledge
6. Other content (language, internships, thesis)
Basic training (mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, computer science) is broad and comprehensive. The fundamentals of industrial engineering, with particular reference to mechanics, materials technology, thermodynamics, principles of electrical engineering, electronics, machinery and machine construction, and manufacturing technology, are covered adequately both for those completing their training with the first-level course and for those planning to further their studies in certain subject areas in the MSc degree course.
Specific aspects of automotive engineering are taught from the first years, through modules on motor vehicles and their evolution, and setting design parameters for motor vehicles. Management is covered in the second and third years in modules dedicated to business economics, company organisation and management of human resources. Training is completed through contextual modules such as language training, especially English, work safety, and the final exam .
Concerned public : Students
Duration and terms : 3 ans
Dedicated web site : https://tinyurl.com/ybh4ayj2
Training course responsible : referente.autoveicolo@polito.it