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Nereus - Space related training

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Master of Science in Telecommunications Engineering

Course Details

Objectives : The Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering is characterized by a strong scientific and technological curriculum. The goal is to train experts who can understand and contribute to the technological evolution, using the results of research for the design and analysis of complex telecommunications systems in several industrial sectors of high technology often multidisciplinary.
A graduate of the second level will then have acquired a good knowledge of the mathematical tools necessary to analyze and design complex telecommunication systems, he will have gained a thorough understanding of advanced technologies that are currently used in the various fields of telecommunications. Moreover he will have developed a good ability to explore and assess the market trends in view of innovative applications, having cultivated the attitude of teamwork and the ability to present the results of his/her work in a clear and organized way.

Concerned public : Students

Targeted careers : Our graduates are engineers that are expert in the design of communication systems, in organizing and managing communication networks that are part of the big internet and in the defining and customizing communication services. Career opportunities are available not only in the traditional sector of Telecommunications (operators and manufacturers) but in many others for which the communication services are crucial (like finance, energy, production, public services, commerce, etc.).

Duration and terms : 2 years

Dedicated web site : https://www.polimi.it/en/education/laurea-magistrale-programmes/programme-detail/telecommunication-engineering

Dedicated web site : https://www.ccstlc.polimi.it/study-programme/?lang=en (site dédié)

Space or Aerospace Domains

Space related thematics